Another town that characterizes this enchanted valley is certainly Castelbianco, a name inspired by some feature of the castle that once stood on a promontory, (of which today one can still see the ruins).
Located halfway up the hillside and surrounded by tiers of cherry and olive trees forming patches of silvery green; the few clusters of houses in the valley floor have instead arisen around the old sites of mills, oil mills, and hammer mills.
It is a particularly evocative place that preserves one of Italy’s most fascinating ancient villages, a medieval village perched on a hill. The restoration of the village is unique in Italy as it represents the combination of ancient aesthetics with the most modern technology, respecting the beauty of the ancient stone staircases and vaulted ceilings, discreetly incorporating contemporary high technology.
Castelbianco belongs to the Province of Savona and is located in the Ligurian Riviera, in the immediate hinterland of Albenga. The minimum and maximum altitude of the municipal territory are respectively 140 meters above sea level and 1141 meters above sea level.
Giulia's Advice

Castelbianco (SV), the telematic village of the Ligurian Alps, is located 24 km from the Pian dell’Arma Refuge