Rifugio Pian dell’Arma

lives in harmony with nature

Easy to reach by car, on foot or by bicycle,
Rifugio Pian dell’Arma is a place to have fun all year long and at all ages.

Your desire for freedom

in all seasons and at all ages.

Giulia Rolando welcomes you to Rifugio Pian dell’Arma, a reception point for those who walk the eighth and ninth stages of the Alta Via dei Monti Liguri and for those who, from the Riviera Ligure di Ponente, want to reach the Ligurian Alps in a short time.

From its 1350 m above sea level, the Rifugio offers breathtaking views of the Ligurian Sea and of the Rocca dell’Arma cliffs.

From here, within a short walk, you can reach Mt. Armetta and Madonna della Guardia, from
which the view extends all over to the Marguareis Natural Park, originating point of the splendid western Alpine arc.

In winter it’s also possible to hike on snowshoes or you can simply enjoy the tranquility of the mountain, breathe in its clear, crisp air; feast your eyes on the spectacular landscape and delight your palate with Giulia’s cuisine.

the air is clear and crisp,
the gaze wanders
between the mountains and the sky

Grotta dell'Arma in Pennavaire Valley. Itineraries from the Pian dell'Arma Caprauna refuge

A cabin made of stone and wood

surrounded by hills, peaks, caves and woods

Wood and stone entirely cover the Refuge’s two floors; its sloping roof rises above the grassy terracing of Pian dell’Arma, amid pines, rhododendrons and unique varieties of flowers. Easy to reach by car, on foot or by bicycle, Rifugio Pian dell’Arma is a place to have fun all year long and at all ages. Here you can hike or climb, explore the very well marked trails of the Pennavaire Valley and the AVML.

On the ground floor

Are housed the kitchen and dining room, equipped with an outdoor space, perfect to have lunch in the cool summer breeze.
Dehors and toilets are suitable for people with disabilities.

On the upper floor

There are two dormitories for sport teams, schools or groups.
Two private rooms have also been recently set up, able to accommodate 2 or 4 people, and are all equipped with linen.
There are three bathrooms are for communal use.


Both floors are accessible to strollers and wheelchairs thanks to the absence of any physical barriers.

Free Internet

Internet is free for all our guests.

Dogs and Horses

are welcome

We love all animals, so dogs are welcome! We also have a barn consisting of 3 stalls for pack animals and horses.

Eco-friendly refuge

in harmony with nature

Ladybugs actively contribute to the conservation of biodiversity. The Refuge is Eco-Friendly
Bees around the Refuge. We safeguard nature and biodiversity by implementing Green practices
Dormouses and squirrels inhabit our woods. To preserve them, Rifugio Pian dell'Arma is Plastic Free

Our green choices

We are plastic free

We are a bit obsessed with plastic and we are working to make the Rifugio Pian dell’Arma Plastic Free!

For several years we have been serving our guests:

If you ask us for water in plastic bottles, we will give you these options:

  • fill your water bottle at the fountain, free of charge of course;
  • purchase our water bottle at cost to fill it yourself with spring water.

Our suppliers share our Green philosophy:

Book your table and taste

the traditional specialties

Restaurant reservation
Allergies and intolerances
Vegetarian meals
Vegan meals